#Powerpuff girls vs rowdyruff boys game plus#
Using armpit hair in place of snakes, escargot in place of snails, and Puppy's tail - plus a little eau de jailhouse toilette as a Chemical X stand-in, Mojo creates the Rowdyruff Boys.

Like The Powerpuff Girls, the first letter of each of The Rowdyruff Boys' names start with the letter "B.".The original boys in the show the Powerpuffgirls, They more than like ruth.

Power and Weaponīrick's weapon is actually Blossom's heart twisty straw, which he shoots spits balls at the girls, Boomer's weapon is Bubbles used cotton bud used his own ear wax at opponents and Butch's weapon is Buttercup's smelly gym sock which he would throw to attack opponents with bad smells. From the Powerpuffgirls z, he represent as bubblescounterpart and him color signiture color is Blue. The originated from the show of Craig McCracken and been adopted by the Japan, Toei animation. He's one of the Main Antagonist of the Powerpuffgirls z. From the Powerpuffgirls z, he represent as buttercup counterpart and him scolor signiture is Green. He originated from the show of Craig McCracken and been adopted by the Japan, Toei animation. He's the lstrongest among the three of them. From the Powerpuffgirls z, he represent as Blossom counterpart and him color signiture is Red. He's the leader of the Rowdyruffboys and one of the Main Antagonist of the Powerpuffgirls z. When regular fighting doesn’t work against the Boys, the Girls have to use their feminine wiles to seal a victory. In this episode Mojo Jojo creates the ultimate weapons against the Powerpuff Girls-boy equivalents! Enter Brick, Boomer, and Butch: The Rowdyruff Boys. They have no respect for anyone, including Mojo Jojo who they refer to as "Mama. The boys like to irritate, insult, or annoy the people of Tokyo city, as well as the girls, who they refer to as 'old hags'. In the end, The Rowdyruff Boys run back to Mojo, however not before telling him, they will be leaving him as they go off through Tokyo city. Despite this, the boys refuse to accept this as the truth and stick their fingers up their noses before leaving the girls. To this, Mojo engages into a fight with the girls where the boys witness it. The Powerpuff Girls manage to defeat Mojo to which Blossom states that girls can actually prove themselves strong. They find Mojo, lying to him that the girls had been the ones who had cause them trouble. Shortly, the boys begin torturing the girls through the nastiest way possible which includes flipping their skirts and exposing their bad odor.

With that, he runs off leaving the boys in the hands of the girls themselves. They run off causing trouble throughout the city where the citizens attack Mojo, thinking he's responsible for this. Not too soon, the Powerpuff Girls Z see what is going on and they soon find Mojo where he reveals to them that it is really The Rowdyruff Boys causing all the trouble. After being born, or created they named themselves Brick, Boomer, and Butch and ran off, leaving Mojo. They were first shown in episode 20, where Mojo had sneaked into the Professor's Lab and stole the Chemical Z along with Momoko's curly straw, Miyako's used cotton swab, Kaoru's stinky sock, and Mojo's plucked hair.